Memes - 24/11

Every black Friday

Comics - 20/11

Moon landing

Pictures - 20/11


Memes - 20/11

Christmas lights

Memes - 20/11

Wait until they found out about the tanplayers.

Memes - 17/11

Another EU win

Comics - 16/11

Ready to head out?

Comics - 15/11

Night driving

me_irl - 14/11

He knows.

Memes - 13/11

It's not a jellyfish.

me_irl - 13/11


me_irl - 12/11

Perfect stick

Comics - 10/11


Memes - 10/11

Daylight savings time

Pictures - 07/11

Don't smoke or speak French

To be fair, cutting out the French will eliminate a big part of your smoker problem.

me_irl - 07/11

Life stats

Memes - 30/10

Another one for the stack at home.

Memes - 24/10

*Excluding airports