SFSF - Admins

[M]Mave -> Server owner
Zezombia - > Server owner
Vince_Savokage -> Admin
MonkeyDwizzle -> Admin
alex_micinia -> Admin +
usedcookie -> Admin ++
Nightmare13 -> Admin
Ownzer_Corleon -> Admin +
JabbaWockeeZ - Admin +

(the more +'s an admin has, the better he is in our opinion)

Admin Rules

As an admin you should always behave and act like a grown up, the last thing what we need is childish admins...
You must respect all the rules of course, because you should be the exaple for other players.

When you are an admin you should do the following:
- Someone spams/insults : You first tell him to stop, if he doesnt, wire
- Someone hax/cheats : If weapons are involved, Ban, if he is fly-cheating or speed haxing, Kick


Player rules:

Rule number one:
Kill out of a Death Match

This is not a major thing, because outside of a death match you are invincible.

Give one warning, then jail them. If they continue after a while kick them, then ban them.

Rule number two:
Hack or Cheat

This is a major thing, only because people hate hackers.

Do what ever the hell you want with them, the public will love it.

Rule number three:
Insult, Criticize or Flam

This really is a major thing. People hate idiots, and will leave the server.

Give only one warning, then wire. If it still continues after a while kick him, then ban him.

Rule number four:
Spam for any reason

This is not really a major thing.

Don't warn, just wire. If when you unwire it continues, just permanently wire the spammer.

