NOPE - 22/08

Washed up anglerfish

Pictures - 22/08

Glowing gold dog

This dog has received tens of thousands of pats from loving hands, spread out over nearly 5 centuries.

Memes - 18/08

This meme isn't even funny.

Comics - 17/08

The button

Pictures - 17/08

Cover me!

Comics - 16/08

Kittens will be kittens

Comics - 16/08

Splash damage

Comics - 15/08

The last straw

me_irl - 14/08

Dentist dilemma

Comics - 13/08

Aging hurts

Memes - 13/08


Memes - 11/08


me_irl - 09/08

6 minutes to pick a song

/facepalm - 09/08

Wow who actually thinks like this?

me_irl - 08/08

Financial health

Looks like NASA has a new quest available. In all seriousness: the object might be two galaxies merging, with the upper part of the question mark being part of a larger galaxy getting tidally disrupted

Pictures - 08/08

Anon is a hacker

>Call a company >"Hello would you like whitehathacker LLC to attempt to hack you? We offer our services to poke holes in your network, and if we find a problem, we let you know. That way we can patch it so no big bad hackerman can break in?" >They agree >Try to "hack" their system >Sit on my ass for a week >"Your system is fully functional and we did not find any holes" >Get paid

Comics - 06/08
